Wrestling Tournament

Max Duncan (12)

One of the least talked about sports at South Oldham High School is wrestling. For instance, most students are likely unaware that the Wrestling Team hosted a tournament, The Dragon Invitational, at South on January 21.  Few students recognize the work that goes into hosting the tournaments, and how much preparation the athletes put in. 

During a tournament, the wrestlers are active almost all day, as they arrive at noon and have their last matches at 6:30. Ryle County took 1st place overall, which was expected as they are top 10 in the entire state. However, South did very well in this tournament. 

South finished placed 2nd overall, with 5 wrestlers placing 1st in their respective weight classes. Logan Roberston (11), a member of the wrestling team who placed 5th in his weight class, felt that they “did pretty good as a team, and we faced lots of good matchups against top state-ranked wrestlers.” 

Numerous wrestlers felt South did really well considering their competition. Luke Hatcher (10), another member of the team said, “We got 2nd, which was really good considering we went up against really good competition.”