Black Light Pep Rally

If you were at South Oldham High on February 17th, 2023, you would’ve seen the wonder that is Black Light Pep Rally. Starting at 3:15 pm the whole school began to watch the events leading up to Dancing Divas. The show first started by shutting the lights off to reveal the black lights set around the gym floor. Dragon Beats started the show, followed by the Flames, the SOHS Dance Team, then a series of mini-games with students against the teachers. 

They began playing “Shake it off,” which consisted of having a tissue box filled with ping pong balls tied to your waist. The contestants needed to try to shake it off, as the name suggests, to get all ping pong balls out of their box. After the first game was won by teachers, new contestants played the “balloon relay.” In this game contestants needed to run back and forth across the gym, after making a lap, another player would have to run behind them with a balloon in between contestant 1’s back and contestant 2’s stomach. They continued to run back and forth until all contestants were in this chain. If a balloon happened to fall, which was inevitable, the whole line would have to restart from the beginning of the course. While it was reported that the teachers won, the students feel it was a dubious win.

After these mini-games, an epic lightsaber battle between Jason Salazar, who had the blue light-saber, and Keegan Overstreet, who had the red light-saber, ensued. During the battle, we were able to see just how much these two students loved what they were doing. Jason even said, “we weren’t originally asked to do the battle, we asked if we could, and to our surprise, they said yes.” Overstreet said that this was something that they had been wanting to do since their freshman year, and were ecstatic when given the opportunity. The result of their effort was seen by hundreds of students. 

After the battle, the main event began. Dancing Divas, composed of four seniors and two juniors, walked onto the stage and started their dancing routine. The boys performed for the rest of the remainder of the pep rally, doing slow dances, the worm, and the “dirty dancing” lift mid-performance. The extraordinary dance ended with giant confetti explosions. 

Students are happy to see the return of this SOHS tradition and look forward to making it even more exciting next year.